Global South must call for the wars in Ukraine and Gaza to end asap

No matter how you define the countries belonging to the Global South, it is incontestable that they want the wars in Ukraine and Gaza to end without any further delay. True, they do not have the agency to bring the two wars to an end. But they must have their voices heard.

The Ukraine war began in February 2022 and has lasted more than two years now. While no one should underestimate the loss of life and property in both Ukraine and Russia, it is also undeniable that countries of the Global South have suffered for no fault of theirs and continue to face adverse consequences. The war in Ukraine has had a direct effect on three vital issues of concern for the Global South: food security, fertilizer and fuel (oil and gas) availability. There are now reliable studies that show that due to the war in Ukraine, oil, gas and food prices have risen worldwide. This has had a disproportionate impact on low-income countries and within those countries on lower-income households. It is ironic that there has not been a proper discussion about this in international fora. It can also be safely said without fear of contradiction that the war in Ukraine has set several countries back in terms of their ability to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in particular those relating to poverty and hunger. Agenda 2030 therefore runs the risk of being largely unfulfilled.

The war in Gaza is admittedly of a different nature. While the whole world sympathized with Israel after the horrific and condemnable attacks by Hamas on October 7 last year, there is now an equally universal view that the Israeli response in Gaza has been disproportionate and has had scant regard for Palestinian life and property. In the name of destroying Hamas, the Israeli Defence Forces through their actions in Gaza have violated the Geneva Conventions, duly ratified by Israel. While the countries of the Global South have not been as directly impacted by the war in Gaza as they have been by the war in Ukraine, they would be extremely concerned if the war in Gaza spreads to other parts of the Middle East such as Lebanon, drawing in the Hezbollah. If this were to happen, the chances of oil prices increasing and commercial maritime sea routes being affected cannot be ruled out. This again will put an intolerable burden on low-income countries of the Global South.

India has argued relentlessly in favour of dialogue and diplomacy in both instances, namely, the war in Ukraine and the war in Gaza. It may be recalled that India in the context of its G20 Presidency, very successfully held the “Voice of the Global South Summit” in January 2023 before the Delhi G20 Summit and then again in November 2023 after the Delhi G20 Summit was successfully concluded. Both of these meetings took place virtually. Perhaps the time has come for India to convene another edition of the “Voice of the Global South Summit” which could pass a resolution comprising the following points:

(1) Express concern over the continuation of the two wars in Ukraine and Gaza which threaten global peace and security.

(2) Affirm that the two wars have adversely affected the economies of the Global South, in particular the lower-income countries.

(3) Call on the parties to both conflicts to cease hostilities, accept ceasefire and immediately enter into talks aimed at finding a negotiated solution.

(4) Call on the international community, especially the richer countries to help with post-war reconstruction and make related humanitarian efforts.

It is possible that the above resolution remains rhetorical and nothing changes on the ground. But an important political point will have been made backed by moral suasion. After all, countries of the Global South have a right to express themselves on issues of vital interest to them. It is well worth a try.

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